Start solving the world’s most pressing problems
Non-trivial Fellowship is a 7-week online fellowship with a €500 scholarship to start an impactful research, policy, or entrepreneurial project.
Applicants are eligible if they:
- Are aged 14-20
- Haven’t started university
- Are predominantly based in the European Union or United Kingdom during the Fellowship
- Obtain parent or legal guardian permission when they apply if they’re under 18.
- €500 scholarships
- Don’t wait to change the world: Start your own project solving a pressing problem project. If you succeed, you’ll accomplish years of impact in months.
- Meet collaborators and mentors: Debate important ideas with other people who care deeply about figuring out how to make a big difference in the world.
- €5,000 in prizes: Awarded to projects that have made the most progress, show the most promise, and are the best presented.
Submit an application using our online form. We’ll ask about your personal information, motivations, and you’ll answer some critical thinking questions. Then you can test yourself with our tricky puzzles and memory games quiz.
Deadline to apply is Sunday, Jan. 29, 2023.